Abigail Conner - Illustrator & Designer

hi there!
I'm an Illustrator and Designer based in Nashville, TN.
I've worked on advertising under the Lee University Publications Office and as Lead Designer with the award-winning university magazine, the Vindagua. After graduating with my Bachelor's in design, I lent my skills to the cake world by designing and crafting specialty cakes under Frothy Monkey Bakery.
Currently I am working on developing my own art business, always pursuing excellence in my craft, while fulfilling freelance projects. I have designed logos and promotional material for small businesses, charities, and large corporations, as well as custom illustrations for various clients.
I enjoy good food, wandering around foreign countries, and hiking up to beautiful views. I'm also a mother to two lovely cats.

Lee University (Cleveland, Tennessee, U.S.A.)
Bachelor of Arts: Art, Graphic Design emphasis
Magna Cum Laude
Senior Show, Squires Library, Lee University, Cleveland, TN
Work Experience
Lead Designer, Vindagua, Lee University (Tennessee, U.S.A)
Student Designer, Office of Publications, Lee University (Tennessee, U.S.A.)